Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Beauty Divided

Today I learned something new. I work a couple of mornings a week with the very darling Nelda. She is a young and active 94 year old. This morning she decided we would divide her African Violets. We carried the pots to the back porch and filled them with the soil made especially for African Violets. We took the large and overgrown one out of its pot....and began to divide it. I was amazed how easily it came apart. The plant had multiplied so there were five separate plants crammed into that one pot. We pulled off the lower limbs, placed them in the special pots Nelda had made in her ceramics class, and added the soil.

We then added the African Violet food to the water and filled the bottom pot with it. I had carried out one plant in one pot...but I carried in 5 plants in 5 pots. It was beautiful to see how the beauty was divided. Just as it was a new start for those pretty purple flowers, it was a new start for me. I learned something new and I have one more thing on my to-do list...buy myself an African Violet!

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